
一期要跟大家介位于福建省邵武市的和平古它有琉瓦、雕梁画、有、气派非凡---明清代中原地区屡的豪民宅如今已成稀世珍宝。 有一个地方依然存留了近200---它便是邵武千年文化古和平。西北,面192平方公里,建置始于唐朝,是福建省史最悠久的古之一。是一全中国罕的城堡式村镇,其众多古建筑是中国迄今保留最具特色的古民居建筑群之一,是国家的旅游源。(http://baike.baidu.com/view/606465.htm)


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

《特别报道》Penang Georgetown Festival 2013 槟城乔治市艺术节2013

George Town Festival (GTF) is a month-long celebration of art, music, theatre, dance, opera and film to commemorate George Town’s inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage listing on 7 July, 2008. Each year since 2010, GTF transforms George Town into an exciting and unique platform for the arts, heritage and culture.

The unique appeal of the festival lies in its well-balanced blend of local cultural performance and events with cutting edge international performances. For centuries, Penang was renowned as an international commercial gateway. GTF was created to put George Town and Penang back on the world stage as an international boutique destination for art and culture. International media giants such as The New York Times, CNNgo, Wall Street Journal have already covered the festival and the buzz for this year’s festival is stronger than ever.

(this is an extract from http://georgetownfestival.com)

槟城乔治市艺术节定于今年的7-6-2013 至 7-7-2013,许多精彩绝伦的艺术表演、展览已经展开序幕,有心参加的人士可以到其网站http://georgetownfestival.com获得更多详情。

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